Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Former Haiti's Pres. Jean-Bertrand Aristide to Speak Next Month About Education, But No Setting Date

 by Wadner Pierre

Haiti's first-twice democratically elected President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide will be speaking about Education next month according to former Sen. Dr. Louis Gerald Gilles. The Senator told Associated Press that the former Head of State's speech  will be focusing on Education. The event seems most likely to be taking place at the University Aristide Foundation for Democracy in commune Tabarre.
In one of his letters written and published by the Guardian UK before his return from his 7-years exile, the former head of State stressed his love for education and will be devoted his time in the field he likes as a professor. He said,"As I have not ceased to say since 29 February 2004, from exile in Central Africa, Jamaica and now South Africa, I will return to Haiti to the field I know best and love: education. We can only agree with the words of the great Nelson Mandela, that indeed education is a powerful weapon for changing the world.
When he was forced to leave his office under the pressure of some most powerful countries in the International  community like United States, France and Canada Feb. 29, 2004, President Aristide continued his studies upon his arriving in South Africa.  In April 2007 he received a Doctoral degree from the University of South Africa in African Languages.
Today, Haitians are living in hardship since after the Jan. 12 Earthquake that made their lives more miserable than they were. Former President Aristide has always believed that education is essential for the recovery of the country in the aftermath of the Jan. 12 devastated earthquake. He said "I suppose most students, educators and parents are exhausted by the complexity of such a dramatic and painful crisis. But I am certain nothing can extinguish their collective thirst for education."  
When Pres. Aristide opened his Univeristy, several young Haitians from the remote and poor areas in Haiti applied at the  medical school. They were not able to continue their studies after the 2004 coup d'etat because the US backed de facto Government Gerard Latortue denied the students access to the university, instead, the government let the US and then UN troops occupied the space for the years that followed the overthrowing.Thanks to the help of  the Cuban government, the students fled to Cuba and finished their degree there. They are now  serving their communities. 
As a gift for Pres. Aristide's birthday this year, the newly doctors organized a medical clinic at the Aristide Foundation where they served for hundreds of patients.
Though the Western corporate media acknowledge the Fanmi Lavalas leader, former President is the most popular political leader  in Haiti, they are still held this biased quote " popular among the poor in Haiti " and "divisive or controversial figure."  These biased quotes seem cannot hold  the truth about the popularity of the FL' s leader. 
As a  fact, around  700, 000 voters out of 4.5 million voted for the Haiti's current President Michel Joseph Martelly. Four months after he sworn as President, Martelly  has not yet been able to give the country a Prime Minister - and he seems cannot deliver none of the promises he made during his campaign. One of them was 'Free Education for all Haitian children who cannot go to school.'
Haiti still has no PM. The majority of the quake victims are still living under makeshift tents waiting for help. From whom? God only knows....

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